China kuasai Indonesia 2

There are also those who argue that the public should not take action alone and discriminate against people with certain national characteristics, because it can actually divide the nation of Indonesia and cause social instability and security. In addition, Chinese people coming to a country to become workers or Chinese Labor it is unlikely they want to receive paid wages like the value of the Regional Minimum Wage in Indonesia. Because in China in 2016 alone minimum wage already an average of 2,000 Yuan or equivalent Rp4 millions, 2017 and 2018 would rise again. As the value of the Regional Minimum Wage in China continues to increase as well as employment in China is proving very much, until they are short of human resources. On October 1, 2015, China has removed its one-child policy and may have two children. The reason is because China is short of human resources.

So, we as a society should be smarter again. Do not easily believe with the news circulated, made by certain parties to divide the unity of our country. However, that does not mean we should ignore the growing number of foreign workers each year. We as native Indonesian citizens must have the same qualities and skills as those of China, so that Indonesia no longer needs to seek foreign workers for the progress of this country. And the government must also improve the education system in this country, so that the young Indonesians are more intelligent and have more skilled and qualified skills.


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